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Welcome NAHS Alumni

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Here's some pictures we can all share..........PLEASE send more !!!
OLD pictures...NEW pictures.....BABY pictures....NUDE pictures. (...well, ok, maybe not NUDE pictures!).........LET's SEE 'EM !!!!

Remember, not everyone is like my buddy Greg Carroll, (Attorney at large..Class of '79), and has their picture
run in the "Peoples Defender" each week.........(a personal testimony to the effects of aging on a once fine tuned athlete).... send it in and let the rest of us share your pain !!

...On to "State"....
Coach Matt Williams, Bert Foster, Joel Young,
Kyle Copas, Justin Schweickart, and Chris Meade

I'm thinking...Class of '86.....if you want names, dates, aliases...
contact Mark Black at:

Rebecca Browning, Class of '79

Fred Debord, Class of '84.....Day Job !

Marksberry Clan minus Dad...
Sandra (Class of '83)

Tom Breeze...Father Figure, Teacher, Coach,
Social Engineer, and Poet

Greg Carroll, Class of '79

NAHS Class of '81 (20th yr Reunion)

Dave Kelley, Class of '78

2001 Seaman Fall Festival, Queen and Court

Mark Baker ('79)
Mixing cocktails during a recent visit to Fla.
July '01

Candace (8), Kyle (18), and Cory (14)....turned in by Mom (Lisa)....Mom's age witheld by request !!

1979 Senior Class Trip " The way we were!"
This was with West Union at Daytona Beach

My band "Exxit".....circa '88 -'89

Greg Carroll,.... just prior to refusing the nomination for VP in '96

Now there's some "Class" !!

Proof for my son, that his 'ol man actually
participated in sports !

Monica Basford (center),
2001 Carmel Festival Queen
Good job, Dave and Carol !!

hmm...let's see......these 2 bathing beauties were
somebodys Jr. and Sr. Prom dates....
but I'm not talking !

Yes, There was Football !!

One of the more sophisticated Clubs at NA !

Dottie, Jane, Cathy, Dinah
and Queen Sheila ! (Homecoming '79)

Trina and Sandy Sparks....Class of '79 and '78

Kelsey Baxla and Keith Eichenlaub, 2000 Grads

Chelsey Carroll, Jr. Fair Queen

Red Hoop.....Class of '79

Jill Brown, Queen........