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If you want to see your picture here, (or you have a "special" picture you want to share!) let me know , or just email it to me at !!

Dave Morgan (Class of '77) and wife Charlotte
The "Dave Morgan" we really know as "Class Clown" of '77
Hey, What is it with all these people moving to Florida !!! I thought you had to be real old .......Oh, that explains it..........
Jim Williams (Class of 78) and Family
Jim lives around Nashville now, (Adams County just wasn't country enough!) with his wife Rhonda, and their children Maria, and Adam.
If you want to drop Jim a note, leave a message on the guest page and I'm sure he'll get back with you!
Here's the Williams' participating in some serious 2002 Ghost Hosting !
Little known fact: Jim is a serious guitar picker from way back........I remember seeing his band at the Roller Rink in Dunkinsville so many years ago...of course I was but a young child at that time !!
Rick Morgan and Tom Breeze, March 2003
One very handsome guy....and Rick Morgan too!!
Delora Ferguson and husband John , Class of '96....
I attended NAHS my sophomore year (1994) and the Ohio Valley VS my junior year (1995). I had moved to Seaman after my parents were divorced and we lost our house in Franklin. My mom, brother, sister and I got a trailer on our grandparents land and lived there for almost a year. When my paternal grandma died in February of 1995, we moved back over to Franklin (about 80 miles from Seaman). I graduated from Franklin High School in 1996. On March 22, 2003 I married John Ferguson. We live in Middletown (right down the road from Franklin). I am a waitress/amateur photographer. John is a musician. If anyone remembers me, you can email me at Hope to hear from any of you.

I attached a photo of our wedding and one of myself. You can post whichever one you want or both if you like. I thank you for working so hard on that site. I really like North Adams. Although, it was definitely a change from my days in Franklin High.
"Unit"....@ Knoxville, TN Tournament....bringin' the big stick..
. My son Matt Marksberry, plays for the Midland Tomahawks 13 and, AABC National League..........we go South to Knoxville again in 2004,.....early....March 26-30.......